Other Editions

Special editions that served as inspiration for other projects …

Un loup peut en cacher un autre
| A wolf can hide another one

Sarbacane Jeunesse | 2006

La naissance
| Birth

De La Martinière Jeunesse | 1999

Meu primeiro dicionário
| My first dictionary

Saraiva | 2015

Olhar Etrusco
| Etruscan Gaze

Malaysia | 1988

Olha só o Cão, Olha só o Gato
| Look at the Dog, Look at the Cat

Leiturinha | 2021

Marina e Makolelê
| Marina and Makolele

Leiturinha | 2021

Mata Atlântica
| Colorir, Recortar e Colar
| Atlantic Rainforest
| To Color, Cut out and Paste

SESC | 2022