In the workshop, we will share 35 years of experience of visual narratives. The activities are suited according to the needs of each student.

Painting | Fabrício Barbosa | Students from 8 to 15 years old


For each student, one path. We create a practical experience field using a diverse repertoire which we invite the student to rely on the uniqueness of his own drawing. Individual or in groups so the classes can fit your needs.

Mini-books workshop

In the form of hand-made mini books using folding A4 or A3 paper sheets, we will provide incentives for the creation of images, texts and short stories. The workshop is suitable for children from 4 to 12 years old, and it also can be appropriate for adults and professors that may reproduce the method in the classroom, at home or in organizations.

Observation Drawing

Proportions and perspective concepts. The classes will be performed in studio, open air, and is for all ages.

Haikai workshop

After a contemplative walk, we may create short poetry from live images. The texts can be made individually, family shared (kids and parents) or in small groups. A workshop designed for all ages. The children from 5 to 7 years old should be accompanied by their parents. The parents are also invited to participate.

Dialogue workshop

Building dialogues in which unusual situations may happen, the workshop can be offered during vacation period or it can happen as occasional activities at schools, groups and organizations.

Seminar | Creative Processes and Visual Narratives

A reflexive experience towards the roll of literature in childhood. At the moment we approach the work of the author, we may touch on the integrative and systemic relevance of the literature at home and school context, allowing the professors, families and literature lovers join the transforming universe that stories and visual narratives can offer to children as well as to adults. As part of the Seminar, we also provide a preparation of a hand-made Mini-books as a creative process of narrative-poetry that can also be replicated in several different places and contexts.

Kids and Parents Workshop | on line

Two or three meetings online, Saturdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Activities: 1 – The execution of a folding book with the participation of the whole family. 2- The construction of a mobile on the subject: Quimeras.

the soul
of the dinosaurs
all the place
in the sky